Does Duolingo Have Tagalog

Tagalog, the national language of the Philippines, spoken by over 47.3 million people worldwide, is a language that many are interested in learning. If you’re one of those curious learners, you might be wondering, “Does Duolingo have Tagalog?”

The short answer is no, Duolingo does not currently offer a Tagalog course. However, this popular language-learning app has plans to introduce Tagalog in the future.

This guide explains why Tagalog is not available on Duolingo, suggests other ways to learn the language, and considers if Tagalog may be added to Duolingo in the future.

What is Tagalog?

Tagalog is an Austronesian language predominantly spoken in the Philippines. It is the first language of around 22 million Filipinos and the second language for many others. Tagalog is also widely used by Filipino communities worldwide, making it one of the most spoken languages globally.

Learning Tagalog can open doors to rich cultural experiences, foster connections with the Filipino community, and provide valuable career opportunities in industries with strong ties to the Philippines, such as tourism, business, and diplomacy.

Is Tagalog Available on Duolingo?

As of now, Tagalog is not available as a learning option on Duolingo. Despite being a prevalent language, Duolingo has yet to introduce a comprehensive Tagalog course for learners.

Challenges in Teaching Tagalog on Duolingo

One of the primary reasons behind Tagalog’s absence from Duolingo is the language’s unique grammar structure. Tagalog’s grammar differs significantly from most other languages, making it challenging to adapt traditional teaching methods to Duolingo’s bite-sized, gamified approach.

Duolingo lacks resources and experts in Tagalog, making it hard to create a high-quality course. The platform needs native speakers or experienced linguists, which has been a challenge for Tagalog.

Tagalog’s Presence in Duolingo Incubator

Despite the challenges, Duolingo has recognized the demand for a Tagalog course and has included it in their “Incubator” – a platform where new language courses are developed. This suggests that Duolingo is actively working on introducing Tagalog, although an estimated timeline for its release is currently unavailable.

Alternatives to Learn Tagalog

While waiting for Duolingo to launch its Tagalog course, language enthusiasts have several alternative options to explore.

Popular Tagalog Learning Apps

  1. Pimsleur: Renowned for its audio-based approach, Pimsleur offers Tagalog lessons designed to teach conversational skills through context and repetition.
  2. Mondly: With a leaderboard system similar to Duolingo, Mondly combines games, flashcards, and interactive exercises to make learning Tagalog engaging.
  3. MasterLing: This app takes a gamified approach to language learning, offering quizzes, games, and a chatbot to practice conversational Tagalog.
  4. Rosetta Stone: While not a free option, Rosetta Stone’s Tagalog course is well-regarded for its immersive and comprehensive approach.

Non-App Options for Learning Tagalog

  1. Phrasebooks and Language Guides: Physical or digital phrasebooks and language guides from reputable publishers like Lingo Mastery can provide a solid foundation in Tagalog vocabulary and grammar.
  2. Podcasts and YouTube Channels: Listening to Tagalog podcasts or watching YouTube channels like “Learn Filipino with” can aid in improving comprehension and pronunciation.
  3. Language Exchange Platforms: Websites like Italki connect learners with native Tagalog speakers, offering opportunities for language exchange and personalized instruction.

Why Should Tagalog Be on Duolingo?

With over 47 million speakers worldwide, the prevalence of Tagalog speakers is undeniable. In fact, Tagalog is the second most spoken foreign language in several US states, such as California, Nevada, and Washington, after Spanish.

As the demand for learning Tagalog continues to grow, its inclusion on Duolingo – one of the world’s most popular language-learning platforms – becomes increasingly important. Offering Tagalog on Duolingo would not only cater to the existing learner base but also contribute to the preservation and promotion of this rich language.

Future of Tagalog on Duolingo

While Duolingo has not provided a definitive timeline for the release of its Tagalog course, the company has expressed a commitment to expanding its language offerings. As the demand for Tagalog continues to rise, it is likely that Duolingo will prioritize its development and release.

Tagalog’s complex grammar and the need for experts may slow down the development process. User feedback and requests could influence Duolingo’s priorities and speed up the release.


In summary, while Duolingo does not currently offer a Tagalog course, the platform has recognized the language’s importance and has plans to introduce it in the future. In the meantime, language learners can explore alternative apps, platforms, and resources to kickstart their Tagalog learning journey.

As Duolingo continues to grow and expand its language offerings, the inclusion of Tagalog seems inevitable, given the language’s global relevance and the increasing demand from learners. By offering Tagalog, Duolingo can cater to a diverse audience, promote cultural exchange, and contribute to the preservation of this rich linguistic heritage.

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