Memrise vs Duolingo

If you’re on a quest to learn a new language, you’ve likely come across Memrise and Duolingo – two popular language learning apps. But which one should you choose? The answer depends on your learning goals and preferences. This guide explores the features, methodologies, and user experiences of both apps to help you decide.

The key differences between Memrise and Duolingo are as follows:

  • Memrise focuses on vocabulary memorization using flashcards and mnemonic techniques, while Duolingo emphasizes grammar and sentence construction through gamified exercises and translations.
  • Memrise incorporates native speaker videos and user-generated courses, whereas Duolingo offers a more structured curriculum designed by language experts.
  • Memrise utilizes spaced repetition and adaptive learning algorithms, while Duolingo employs a gamified approach with rewards and achievements to keep learners motivated.

This article will cover all these aspects in detail, helping you understand the strengths and weaknesses of each app to determine which one aligns better with your language learning journey.

Key Features of Memrise and Duolingo

Memrise Features

  1. Vocabulary Focus: Memrise’s primary strength lies in its ability to help users memorize vocabulary effectively. The app utilizes flashcards and mnemonic techniques, such as associating words with memorable images or phrases, to enhance retention.
  2. Spaced Repetition: Memrise employs a spaced repetition algorithm, which means words and phrases you struggle with will appear more frequently until you’ve mastered them. This adaptive learning approach ensures you reinforce the vocabulary you find challenging.
  3. User-Generated Courses: In addition to Memrise’s official courses, the app allows users to create and share their own courses, covering a wide range of topics, from grammar and slang to pop culture and niche interests.
  4. Native Speaker Videos: Many Memrise courses feature video clips of native speakers introducing new words and phrases, providing learners with an authentic and engaging experience.

Duolingo Features

  1. Gamified Approach: Duolingo’s hallmark feature is its gamified approach to language learning. The app incorporates elements like rewards, achievements, and leaderboards, making the learning experience more engaging and motivating.
  2. Sentence Construction: While Memrise focuses on individual words and phrases, Duolingo emphasizes teaching users how to construct complete sentences. The app offers a variety of exercises, such as translations, multiple-choice questions, and fill-in-the-blanks, to reinforce grammar and sentence structure.
  3. Grammar Explanations: Although not as extensive as traditional language courses, Duolingo does provide brief grammar explanations and tips throughout its lessons, helping learners understand the underlying rules of the language.
  4. Comprehensive Curriculum: Duolingo offers a structured curriculum designed by language experts, covering various language skills, including reading, writing, listening, and speaking (with built-in speech recognition technology).

Learning Methodology

Memrise: Vocabulary Memorization

Memrise’s core methodology revolves around helping users memorize vocabulary effectively. The app achieves this through a combination of flashcards, mnemonic devices, and spaced repetition algorithms.

  1. Flashcards: Memrise presents new words and phrases in the form of digital flashcards, allowing users to study and review them at their own pace.
  2. Mnemonic Devices: To enhance memory retention, Memrise incorporates “mems” (mnemonic devices), which are memorable associations or images that help users connect new words with familiar concepts or mental images.
  3. Spaced Repetition: The app’s spaced repetition system ensures that words and phrases you find challenging are repeated more frequently, while those you’ve mastered appear less often. This adaptive learning approach helps reinforce the material over time, facilitating long-term retention.

Memrise is great for memorizing vocabulary, but it may not fully teach grammar and sentence structure, which are essential for good language skills.

Duolingo: Gamified Language Learning

Duolingo takes a more holistic approach to language learning, incorporating various exercises and activities to develop multiple language skills. The app’s gamified approach is designed to make the learning experience engaging and enjoyable.

  1. Exercises and Activities: Duolingo offers a variety of exercises, including translations, multiple-choice questions, dictations, and speaking practice (with speech recognition technology). These activities are designed to reinforce grammar, sentence structure, and overall language comprehension.
  2. Gamification Elements: The app incorporates elements such as rewards, achievements, leaderboards, and progress tracking to keep learners motivated and engaged. These gamification features tap into the human desire for accomplishment and competition, making the learning process more enjoyable.
  3. Structured Curriculum: Duolingo’s lessons are organized into a structured curriculum, gradually introducing new concepts and building upon previously learned material. This progressive approach aims to develop a well-rounded understanding of the language.

Duolingo’s gamified approach is motivating, but some learners may find the exercises too simple or lacking in grammar explanations, especially at higher levels.

User Experience and Interface

The user experience and interface of a language learning app can significantly impact its effectiveness and user satisfaction. Let’s compare Memrise and Duolingo in this regard.

Memrise User Experience

  1. Clean and Minimalist: Memrise’s interface is clean and minimalist, with a focus on presenting flashcards and mnemonic devices without unnecessary distractions.
  2. Customizable Settings: Users can adjust various settings within the app, such as the number of new words or phrases introduced per session, to tailor the learning experience to their preferences.
  3. User-Generated Content: While Memrise’s official courses are well-structured, the user-generated content can vary in quality, potentially leading to an inconsistent learning experience.
  4. Limited Gamification: Compared to Duolingo, Memrise incorporates fewer gamification elements, which may make the app feel less engaging or motivating for some learners.

Duolingo User Experience

  1. Gamified Interface: Duolingo’s interface is designed with gamification in mind, featuring progress bars, achievement badges, and leaderboards to keep learners engaged and motivated.
  2. Intuitive Navigation: The app’s navigation is straightforward, with lessons organized into a clear curriculum structure, making it easy for users to track their progress.
  3. Speech Recognition: Duolingo’s speech recognition technology allows users to practice speaking the language, although the accuracy of this feature can vary.
  4. Consistent Quality: Since Duolingo’s courses are designed by language experts, the overall quality and consistency of the content are generally higher than user-generated courses on Memrise.

The preferred user experience depends on personal preferences. Some learners like Memrise’s simple approach and focus on vocabulary, while others prefer Duolingo’s gamified interface and structured curriculum.

Pricing and Subscription Plans

Both Memrise and Duolingo offer free and paid subscription options, catering to different learning needs and budgets.

Memrise Pricing

  • Free Version: Memrise’s free version provides access to a limited number of courses and features.
  • Memrise Pro: The paid subscription, known as Memrise Pro, unlocks additional features and content. Pricing options include:
    • Monthly subscription: $22.99/month
    • Annual subscription: $89.99/year
    • Lifetime access: $249.99 (one-time payment)

Memrise Pro includes features like grammar bots, chatbots, immersive videos with native speakers, in-depth analytics, and offline learning capabilities.

Duolingo Pricing

  • Free Version: Duolingo’s free version offers access to the complete language courses and core features, but with advertisements and certain limitations.
  • Duolingo Super: The paid subscription, called Duolingo Super (formerly known as Duolingo Plus), removes advertisements and includes additional features. Pricing options include:
    • Monthly subscription: $12.99/month
    • Annual subscription: $84/year (6.99$ per month)

Duolingo Super provides benefits such as unlimited mistakes, offline access, and progress tracking tools.

Both apps have free versions, but paid subscriptions offer extra features and resources for a more immersive or customized experience.

Language Options and Course Quality

The availability of languages and the quality of courses are crucial factors to consider when choosing a language learning app.

Memrise Language Options

Memrise offers courses for over 20 languages, including popular options like Spanish, French, German, and Mandarin, as well as less common languages like Hawaiian, Navajo, and Dothraki from Game of Thrones. The quality and depth of these courses can vary significantly since many are user-generated.

Duolingo Language Options

Duolingo currently offers courses in around 40+ languages, with a focus on more widely spoken languages. The app provides comprehensive courses for popular languages like Spanish, French, German, Italian, and Mandarin, as well as some lesser-known options like Hawaiian, Navajo, and High Valyrian (another constructed language from Game of Thrones).

Course Quality

While Duolingo’s courses are designed and curated by language experts, ensuring a consistent and structured learning experience, Memrise’s course quality can be more variable due to the user-generated nature of much of its content.

With Memrise, learners may need to exercise more discretion and rely on course ratings or reviews to find high-quality, comprehensive courses. On the other hand, Duolingo’s courses are generally more reliable and consistent in terms of quality, although some learners may find them lacking in-depth grammar explanations or advanced content.

Complementary Use of Memrise and Duolingo

Rather than viewing Memrise and Duolingo as competitors, many language learners find that using these apps in tandem can be highly effective. Here’s how they can complement each other:

  1. Vocabulary Building with Memrise: Start your language learning journey by using Memrise to build a strong vocabulary foundation. The app’s flashcard-based approach and mnemonic techniques can help you memorize essential words and phrases effectively.
  2. Grammar and Sentence Structure with Duolingo: Once you’ve established a solid vocabulary base, transition to Duolingo to learn how to construct sentences and understand grammar rules. The app’s exercises and structured curriculum are well-suited for this purpose.
  3. Personalized Learning Experience: Memrise’s user-generated courses allow you to explore niche topics or specific areas of interest within the language you’re learning, providing a personalized and engaging experience.
  4. Gamification and Motivation: While studying vocabulary on Memrise, take breaks and engage with Duolingo’s gamified approach to maintain motivation and a sense of progress.

By leveraging the strengths of both apps, you can create a well-rounded language learning experience that covers vocabulary, grammar, sentence structure, and even niche interests or cultural aspects of the language.

Alternatives to Memrise and Duolingo

Memrise and Duolingo may not be the best fit for everyone. Here are some alternative language learning resources to consider:

  1. Language Learning Software and Apps: Babbel, Pimsleur, Rosetta Stone, and Busuu are other well-known language learning apps and software that offer structured courses and diverse learning approaches.
  2. Online Tutoring and Conversation Practice: Platforms like italki and Preply connect learners with native speakers and language tutors for personalized lessons and conversation practice.
  3. Immersive Learning Resources: Apps like LingQ, FluentU, and Language Reactor provide immersive learning experiences through authentic content like news articles, podcasts, and videos.
  4. Traditional Textbooks and Courses: For those who prefer a more traditional approach, language textbooks and local language courses can offer comprehensive instruction and face-to-face guidance.

The choice of an alternative resource depends on your learning style, goals, and budget. Some learners may prefer a more structured and comprehensive approach, while others may benefit from personalized tutoring or immersive learning experiences.


In the battle between Memrise and Duolingo, there is no clear winner – the “better” app ultimately depends on your specific language learning goals and preferences.

If your primary focus is building a strong vocabulary foundation and memorizing words and phrases effectively, Memrise’s flashcard-based approach and mnemonic techniques make it an excellent choice. However, if you’re looking to develop a well-rounded understanding of grammar, sentence structure, and overall language comprehension, Duolingo’s structured curriculum and gamified exercises may be more suitable.

The complementary nature of these two apps means that many language learners find success by using them in tandem. Start with Memrise to build a solid vocabulary base, then transition to Duolingo to reinforce grammar and sentence construction skills.

The key to effective language learning is consistent practice and exposure to various resources. Explore alternatives like language software, online tutoring, or immersive resources if needed.

Remember, the journey to fluency is a marathon, not a sprint. Embrace the process, stay motivated, and leverage the strengths of different language learning tools to create a personalized and enjoyable learning experience.

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