what is the cost of duolingo super and is it worth it

Are you using Duolingo to learn a new language and thinking about upgrading to the paid ‘Super Duolingo’ subscription? Let’s examine if it’s truly worth the cost. We’ll look at the features Super Duolingo offers, how much it costs, and whether it can significantly boost your language learning progress.

In a nutshell, this guide will cover:

  • What Super Duolingo is and how it differ from the free version
  • Pricing details for monthly and annual subscriptions across various regions
  • The Super Duolingo Family Plan and its cost-saving benefits
  • Key features and advantages of subscribing to Super Duolingo
  • Potential drawbacks or limitations to consider
  • Alternative free language learning resources
  • Ways to get Super Duolingo for free or at a discounted price
  • Frequently asked questions about Super Duolingo’s cost

Ready to make an informed decision? Let’s get started!

What is Super Duolingo?

Super Duolingo is a premium subscription service offered by the popular language learning app, Duolingo. While Duolingo’s core app is free to use, Super Duolingo provides additional features and removes some limitations, enhancing your overall learning experience.

When you subscribe to Super Duolingo, you gain access to the following key benefits:

  • No ads: Learn without any interruptions from advertisements.
  • Unlimited lives: Make as many mistakes as you need without running out of “lives” or “hearts.”
  • Mistake review: Receive personalized lessons to practice the mistakes you’ve made.
  • Unlimited legendary challenges: Attempt legendary challenges as many times as needed to prove your skills.
  • Priority access to new features: Super Duolingo subscribers often get early access to new features before they’re rolled out to free users.

Super Duolingo doesn’t offer extra language lessons or content beyond the free version. It enhances the learning experience by removing limitations and providing extra tools and features.

How Much Does Super Duolingo Cost?

The cost of Super Duolingo varies depending on the subscription plan you choose and the region you’re located in. Here’s a breakdown of the pricing:

Monthly Subscription Cost

If you prefer the flexibility of a monthly subscription, here are the current prices for Super Duolingo across different regions:

  • United States: $12.99 per month
  • United Kingdom: £4.99 per month
  • Australia: AUD 10.83 per month
  • Canada: $9.99 per month
  • European Union: €7.33 per month

Annual Subscription Cost

Duolingo also offers an annual subscription plan, which can provide significant savings compared to the monthly option. The annual subscription costs:

  • United States: $84 per year (equivalent to $12.99 per month)
  • United Kingdom: £59.99 per year (equivalent to £4.99 per month)
  • Australia: AUD 129.96 per year (equivalent to $10.83 per month)
  • Canada: CAD 119.88 per year (equivalent to $9.99 per month)
  • European Union: €87.96 per year (equivalent to €7.33 per month)

By opting for the annual plan, you can save money compared to paying month-to-month, making it a more cost-effective choice if you plan to use Super Duolingo for an extended period.

Super Duolingo Family Plan

Duolingo offers a Family Plan for Super Duolingo, which can be an excellent option if you’re learning a language with friends or family members. The Family Plan allows up to six people to share a single subscription, significantly reducing the cost per person.

While the exact pricing for the Family Plan may vary by region, here’s an example of the potential savings:

In the United Kingdom, the Super Duolingo Family Plan costs £89.99 per year. If shared among six people, the cost per person would be approximately £14.99 per year or just £1.24 per month!

Is Super Duolingo Worth the Cost?

Now that we’ve covered the pricing details, let’s explore whether subscribing to Super Duolingo is worth the investment for your language learning journey.

Benefits of Super Duolingo

  1. No Distractions: One of the most significant advantages of Super Duolingo is the ad-free experience. Without interruptions from advertisements, you can maintain focus and immerse yourself in the learning process more effectively.
  2. Unlimited Learning: With unlimited lives or hearts, you can make as many mistakes as needed without being penalized or having to wait for your lives to replenish. This freedom to learn at your own pace and without restrictions can be invaluable, especially for those who prefer to practice extensively without limitations.
  3. Personalized Practice: The mistake review feature in Super Duolingo provides personalized lessons tailored to the specific mistakes you’ve made. This targeted practice can help reinforce your learning and address areas where you may be struggling.
  4. Prove Your Skills: Unlimited attempts at legendary challenges allow you to continuously test your language proficiency and earn those coveted legendary trophies without limitations.
  5. Early Access to New Features: As a Super Duolingo subscriber, you’ll often be among the first to enjoy new features and updates introduced by Duolingo, giving you a head start on the latest learning tools and enhancements.

Potential Drawbacks or Limitations

While Super Duolingo offers several valuable benefits, it’s important to consider some potential drawbacks or limitations:

  1. No Additional Lessons: Despite the premium price tag, Super Duolingo does not provide any additional language lessons or content beyond what’s available in the free version. The subscription solely enhances the learning experience through its features.
  2. Limited Language Options: Duolingo’s language offerings, while diverse, may not cover every language you’re interested in learning. If your target language is not available on the platform, Super Duolingo may not be as valuable for you.
  3. Cost Consideration: Depending on your budget and learning goals, the cost of Super Duolingo may be a factor to consider. While the annual subscription offers savings, the monthly cost can add up over time.

Alternatives to Consider

If the cost of Super Duolingo doesn’t align with your budget or needs, there are several free alternatives available for language learning:

  • Duolingo (Free Version): The core Duolingo app is completely free and provides access to a wide range of language courses, gamification elements, and a supportive community.
  • Language Learning Apps: Apps like Memrise, Clozemaster, and Anki offer free language learning resources, flashcards, and spaced repetition systems.
  • Online Resources: Websites like Babbel, Busuu, and Lingvist offer free language learning content, lessons, and exercises, with paid plans for additional features.
  • Language Learning Communities: Platforms like Italki, Tandem, and Conversation Exchange connect you with native speakers for language practice and cultural exchange.

Free alternatives may lack the features and support offered by Super Duolingo.

How to Get Super Duolingo for Free or at a Discount

If you’re interested in trying out Super Duolingo but want to save money, there are a few ways to access it for free or at a discounted price:

Free Trials and Promo Codes

Duolingo occasionally offers free trial periods for Super Duolingo, typically lasting 14 days. During this trial, you can experience all the benefits of the premium subscription without any upfront cost.

Additionally, Duolingo sometimes releases promo codes that can give you extended free trial periods or discounted subscription rates. Keep an eye out for these promotions on Duolingo’s social media channels or through various language learning communities.

Earning Free Access Through Streaks

Another way to earn free access to Super Duolingo is by maintaining a consistent learning streak on the Duolingo app. At certain streak milestones (e.g., 7 days, 50 days, 100 days), Duolingo may reward you with a short free trial period for Super Duolingo.

Shorter free trials offer a taste of the premium experience, helping you decide if subscribing is worth it.

Frequently Asked Questions About Super Duolingo Cost

To help address any remaining concerns or queries, here are some frequently asked questions about the cost of Super Duolingo:

Can I cancel my Super Duolingo subscription at any time?

Yes, you can cancel your Super Duolingo subscription at any time. If you cancel before your current billing cycle ends, you’ll retain access to the premium features until the end of that billing period. After that, your subscription will revert to the free version of Duolingo.

Is there a discount for students or educators?

Currently, Duolingo does not offer any specific discounts for students or educators on Super Duolingo subscriptions. However, they may introduce such offers in the future, so it’s worth keeping an eye out for any promotions or special rates.

Can I share my Super Duolingo subscription with family or friends?

While you cannot share a single Super Duolingo subscription across multiple accounts, Duolingo does offer a Family Plan option. With the Family Plan, up to six people can share a single subscription, making it a cost-effective solution for families or groups learning together.

Will I lose my progress or streak if I cancel Super Duolingo?

No, canceling your Super Duolingo subscription will not affect your existing progress or learning streak on the Duolingo app. Your achievements, completed lessons, and streak will remain intact, and you can continue learning with the free version of Duolingo.

Can I switch between monthly and annual subscriptions?

Yes, you can switch between monthly and annual Super Duolingo subscriptions at any time. If you switch from an annual subscription to a monthly plan before the year is up, you’ll be charged the monthly rate from your next billing date.


Deciding whether to invest in Super Duolingo ultimately depends on your individual language learning goals, preferences, and budget. While the free version of Duolingo provides a solid foundation for learning, Super Duolingo offers additional features and conveniences that can enhance your overall experience.

If you’re a frequent Duolingo user who values an ad-free, distraction-free environment and the ability to learn without restrictions, the cost of Super Duolingo may be worthwhile. The unlimited lives, personalized mistake reviews, and early access to new features can provide a more seamless and focused learning journey.

For beginners or those on a budget, the free Duolingo or other no-cost language learning tools could suit you better.

Regardless of your decision, remember that consistency, practice, and immersion are key to mastering a new language. Whether you choose Super Duolingo or the free version, make the most of the resources available to you and celebrate your progress along the way.

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